Zoning Hearings - 2802 Delaware Avenue
Case Number: 2024-0079-SPHA
Location: Southwest corner at the intersection of Delaware Avenue and Annapolis Road
13th Election District
Legal Owner: Kenneth Bell, Sr.
Special Hearing to permit an accessory building (detached garage) (1400 sq. ft.) which has a building footprint larger than the principal use dwelling (1008 sq. ft.). Variance BCZR, 230.1.A.1, 302.1, 400.1 and Section 400.3 to approve an accessory building (detached garage) located in the 1/3 area of the yard closest to the side street in lieu of the 1/3 furthest removed from the side street and to approve an accessory building (detached garage) in the left side yard at a height of 20 ft. in lieu of the maximum height of 15 ft., any further relief as deemed required by the Administrative Law Judge.
Hearing location: Jefferson Building, 105 W. Chesapeake Avenue, Rm. 205, Towson 21204
Join the hearing online.
Join the hearing by telephone at 1-415-655-0001, Access Code: 230 780 60355
Webinar Password: 4321 (from phones and video systems)