The Department of Permits, Approvals and Inspections issues all building permits and enforces the rules and regulations of Baltimore County for development, building, electrical, plumbing, livability and zoning codes.
County Office Building 111 West Chesapeake Avenue Towson, Maryland 21204
The 9-1-1 Center receives emergency calls, assesses the availability of response vehicles and manpower, and dispatches appropriate units to handle all public service emergencies in Baltimore County.
The Office of Administrative Hearings serves as an independent, judicial body comprised of administrative law judges who hear cases and issue decisions on a variety of matters including, but not limited to, zoning, land use and related matters.
Jefferson Building 105 West Chesapeake Avenue, Suite 103 Towson, Maryland 21204
The Department of Aging administers programs and activities that help senior citizens remain healthy, active, and independent members of the community.
Director of Aging:Heang Tan
611 Central Avenue Towson, Maryland 21204
It is the policy of Baltimore County Government to provide equal access for people with disabilities to all of its programs, services and activities. The Office of the ADA was created to insure that this policy is maintained.
111 West Chesapeake Avenue Room 120 Towson, Maryland 21204
The Office of the County Auditor operates as part of the Legislative branch of County Government. It provides independent auditing and other fiscal services to the County Council.
400 Washington Avenue Room 221 Towson, Maryland 21204
The Board of Appeals hears a variety of appeals arising from zoning decisions, disability retirement cases, building permits, code violations, Animal Hearing Board and other matters as provided by statute.
Jefferson Building 105 West Chesapeake Avenue Suite 203 Towson, Maryland 21204
Baltimore County believes that a Commission on Disabilities is necessary to advise on the coordination and development of the County's policies for citizens with disabilities.
CEQ encourages protection and preservation of the natural environment in Baltimore County and its waterways, including the Chesapeake Bay, by educating the community to make environmentally sustainable decisions and enlightening, advising, and initiating
The office serves as a resource to Baltimore County Executive Katherine A. Klausmeier and county agencies in communicating with the public regarding county services, programs, initiatives and issues of interest to the community.
400 Washington Avenue Towson, Maryland 21204
The Baltimore County Department of Corrections is comprised of the Baltimore County Detention Center, the Pre-trial Services Division and the Alternative Sentencing Division. Its purpose is to ensure public safety and provide a safe environment for
The County Council is the County elected legislative body, and it is vested with all law-making power granted by its Charter and by the General Assembly of Maryland.
400 Washington Avenue Towson, Maryland 21204
Created by the County Executive, the Council studies the Baltimore County juvenile and criminal justice systems, identifies deficiencies and formulates policy, plans and programs for improvement.
County Executive:Katherine A. Klausmeier
400 Washington Avenue Mezzanine Level Towson, Maryland 21204
The Division of Purchasing seeks to secure needed products and services for using agencies, our customers, at the lowest ultimate cost consistent with the quality, quantity and delivery requested.
400 Washington Avenue Room 148 Towson, Maryland 21204
Each year, hundreds of businesses turn to Baltimore County Economic and Workforce Development when they are ready to expand or relocate. It can assist with workforce development and training, site selection and financing.
305 Washington Avenue 4th Floor Towson, Maryland 21204