Rosh Hashanah Apple Honey Cream Ceremony with Beit Tikvah
Every Shabbat, from sundown Friday to Saturday, is considered Holy in Jewish tradition; it is a time to rest and recharge and draw closer to others and to G-d. Rather than be focused on place, during Shabbat we
focus on time and space.
Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are called the Shabbat Hagadol, the Big Shabbat. If you are serious about changing your life, this is your reset. On Rosh Hashanah, The Head of the Year, you personally apologize to all those you have wronged ... try to make amends, donate to charity. On Yom Kippur, you try to “right-size” yourself with G-d so that you are sealed in the Book of Life for a Sweet New Year with the final Shofar (ram's horn) Blast.
We will do a quick overview of the communal and individual prayers, discuss them and a few tunes, then partake of apples with honey. No fee, please register at the front desk.