Your LinkedIn Story - A Self-Guided Tour
This self-guided tour is for beginners who are interested in creating a professional presence on LinkedIn. The Tour teaches job seekers how to: create and strengthen your profile, build a strong network of contacts to attract employers, daily use of LinkedIn, and how to easily search and apply to jobs.
Upon completion of the Tour, job seekers may schedule an appointment with the Career Center LinkedIn facilitators, who can answer questions and provide access to job search resources through LinkedIn. You must register in advance and complete the Tour to access staff.
Must have access to a computer, tablet, or smartphone.
It is strongly encouraged to create a log-in prior to viewing the Tour to work in real time. This workshop is for new users of LinkedIn. There is no cost to use LinkedIn.
If you are attending as a part of your RESEA/UI requirements, you must schedule a follow-up appointment with staff to get credit.