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Environmental Protection and Sustainability
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Development Coordination coordinates the distribution, tracking and approval of permits and plans within EPS, interacts with other County department regarding development issues, and represents EPS hearings and meetings.
- Development Laws and Regulations
- Development Review Committee (DRC)
- Environmental Administrative Variances
- Environmental Agreements and Securities
- Permits, Approvals and Inspections (PAI)
- Zoning and Development Hearings
Call Development Coordination Manager Jeff Livingston at 410-887-5859 to learn more.
Invasive Plants Guidance— Learn how to identify and safely eradicate invasive plants like bamboo, kudzu, English Ivy and more.
Bring Your Own Bag Law—Baltimore County prohibits the distribution of single-use plastic checkout bags at the point of sale in order to reduce the significant negative impact of plastic bag litter in our communities, waterways and at the County’s recycling processing plant.
Name Our Streams Contest—Baltimore County EPS is working to call attention to the importance of protecting our local streams that lead to the Chesapeake Bay. So far, we’ve identified unnamed neighborhood streams in Pikesville, Hillendale and Windsor Mill, and invited community members to suggest and vote on names for EPS’ consideration. Upon approval by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the winning names will appear on official maps and signs. Contact us if your community would like to participate.
"How to Attract Pollinators" Guide—One third of our food supply and more than 75 percent of flowering plants rely on pollinators (like bees, insects, bats, beetles, butterflies and moths) for reproduction. Learn how to establish and maintain healthy pollinator habitats from this guide, developed by EPS staff to reflect conditions and species relevant to our region. Download your free Northeast Region Pollinator Planting Guide.
Residents can help the County track environmental data—including where individuals plant trees or install rain barrels—that is used to inform potential mitigation methods and for mandatory reporting. Please take a moment to log your environmental efforts in the Environmental Reporter tool.