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Environmental Health Services
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EHS reviews, inspects, and processes permits for hotels, motels and mobile home parks.
EHS regulates the construction of food service facilities and public swimming pools and supports the building permit review process. All construction plans, whether new construction or renovation, must be submitted for approval. The food plans review staff also examines Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Risk Assessments and the HACCP Manual.
- View guidelines for retail food establishment plans review submittal.
- View the plans review application and fee schedule.
EHS investigates complaints and enforces regulations related to food service facilities, aquatic facilities, mosquitoes and other insects, stagnant water, problems with private water and septic systems, sanitary sewer overflows and other miscellaneous nuisances. Most complaints at a licensed food service facility would be handled by EHS.
EHS enforces the Safe Drinking Water Act for commercial and institutional private water supplies. Responsibilities include the review of quarterly bacteriological monitoring reports and yearly nitrate monitoring reports, enforcement activities and consultative services.
The Division of Environmental Health Services conducts the environmental inspections and surveys for all healthcare and healthcare-related facilities that are licensed by the Maryland Department of Health. These facilities include:
- Assisted living
- Comprehensive care
- Nursing homes
- Adult medical daycare
- Special schools
The Healthcare and Related Facility Application Form is to be completed by each owner or operator of a new facility or at change of ownership. The document is required for all applicants requesting an environmental inspection or survey for licensure of any of the types of facilities stated above.
Please note that outbreaks are reportable to the local health department. Baltimore County facilities should call the Baltimore County Department of Health, Division of Communicable Diseases at 410-887-6011. View general guidelines provided by the Maryland Department of Health.
The Office of Health Care Quality is an agency within the Maryland Department of Health charged with monitoring the quality of care in Maryland's health care facilities and community-based programs. The office's mission is to protect the health, safety and welfare of Maryland's citizens and to ensure there is public confidence in the health care and community services delivery systems.