GBMC Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence (SAFE) Program
In the 1970s, GBMC emergency room physician Dr. Rudiger Breitenecker recognized the value of evidence from sexual assault survivors and preserved evidence of more than two-thousand sexual assaults on microscope slides. The late Dr. Breitenecker continued this collection practice into the early 1990’s when his efforts led to the formation of the GBMC Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence (SAFE) program, one of the most robust and respected programs of its kind in the nation.
These slides have been maintained at GBMC and have proven viable for DNA testing which have led to the conviction of several offenders for decades-old crimes.
In 2019, Olszewski formed the Sexual Assault Investigations Task Force to examine investigation and prosecution policies. Since then, the administration has worked with state and local partners to implement Task Force’s recommendations, including increasing capacity to test SAFE kits, establishing a cold case investigations squad within the Police Department’s Special Victims Unit, and seeking funding sources to assist in these efforts.
Since November 2023, 1,408 cold case slides from 1977 to 1997 have been subpoenaed by Baltimore County Police Department’s Special Victims’ Unit and transported to police headquarters. Currently, more than more than 1,000 slides have been sent to a lab for DNA testing and will be continually processed as lab capacity allows. All slides will be tested by the end of 2024 thanks to a $1.5 million grant from the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services and a grant of up to $500,000 from the Hackerman Foundation.
Survivors May Opt Into the Program
Survivors can call the Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA) at 833-364-0046 or email to learn more about this project and opt-in to, or opt-out of, receiving information about their sexual assault evidence.
This hotline and email support option is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Survivors will receive information about options, next steps, and support services including MCASA's Sexual Assault Legal Institute for discussion of legal options and TurnAround, Inc., Baltimore County's Rape Crisis Center.
Partner Resources
Download and post the attached flyer to help spread this important information for survivors of cold case sexual assaults.
GBMC Data and Statistics
Updated information about cases, results summary, case status and more can be found on the GBMC slides webpage.
Additional Resources
- Baltimore County Police Department Special Victim’s Unit: 410-887-2223
- GBMC SAFE – Domestic Violence Program provides medical services and victim resources as well as a listing of Sexual Assault Services that are available to victims and survivors of Sexual Assault, Child Abuse and Domestic Violence
- TurnAround, Inc. – Baltimore County’s Certified Rape Crisis Center
- Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault MCASA
- Victim Notification “Opt-In” Portal
- Victim Information Notification Everyday - Maryland