Zoning Hearings - 1619 Holly Tree Road
Case Number: 2023-0137-SPHA
Location: East side of Holly Tree Road, south of intersection of Holly Tree and Burke Roads
15th Election District
Legal Owner: Stephanie Kelly
Contract Purchaser/Lessee: Eric Thomas
Special Hearing to alter the minimum lot size requirement (from a net lot area of .24 acres in lieu of the minimum required lot area of 1.5 acres) for a proposed dwelling on a single lot of record that is not a subdivision and that is in existence prior to September 2, 2003 pursuant to Sec. 1A04.3.B.1.b(1) of the BCZR. Variance from Section 1A04.3.B.2.b of the BCZR, to permit a proposed dwelling with a side yard setback as close as 10 feet in lieu of the minimum required 50 feet, and if necessary (in the alternative to the Special Hearing), a net lot area of .24 acres in lieu of the minimum required lot area of 1.5 acres.
To call in to the hearing, dial US Toll 1-415-655-0001, Access Code: 230 299 60474
Webinar Password: 4321 (from phones and video systems)