Collection Set-Out Guide
To ensure collection of your materials, make sure you follow trash, single stream recycling and yard materials regulations. In all cases, please place the material at its designated curbside or alley collection point after 6 p.m. on the night before scheduled collection.
Notice: Baltimore County does not replace cracked trash or recycling containers. Plastic develops cracks from normal wear and tear and exposure to cold temperatures. You can minimize cracking with these simple steps:
- Buy sturdy plastic containers made for outdoor use
- Look for containers made of HDPE (number two) plastic, which is stronger than other types of plastic
- Limit plastic containers' exposure to cold
- Don't overfill containers
Trash containers:
- Must not have a lid fastened to the can with rope, wire, chains, etc.
- Should be sturdy, water-tight and rodent-resistant, with handles and a tight-fitting cover (as long as that cover is not fastened to the container)
Having problems with lost container lids? Try a lid leash! Using a piece of rope or small chain, attach the lid to a fence or post. This helps to prevent lost lids due to wind, traffic, etc. Do not tie the lid to the container.
Find information about single stream recycling, including accepted materials.
Plastic bags of any type or color must not be used to set out recyclables for collection—these bags jam machinery at the single stream sorting facility. Even if plastic bags are marketed as "recycling bags," "recyclable," or "compostable," they are not acceptable containers for recycling in Baltimore County.
Recycling containers can include any of the following:
- Recycling bins (usually colored blue or marked with a recycling symbol)
- Trash containers used only for recycling (marked with a large "X" or the word "RECYCLE"; free "RECYCLE" stickers can be obtained by calling 410-887-2000)
- Small cardboard boxes (boxes will be collected along with their contents)
- Paper bags, or bundles tied with non-plastic string (should only be used for setting out paper or cardboard recyclables)
If a container has a lid, the lid must not be fastened to the container with rope, wire, chains, etc.
County residents with Ys on their schedule have a separate yard materials collection for most of the year. Find information about yard materials collection.
To set out yard materials properly:
- Place grass, leaves and small brush in heavy-duty (two-ply) paper lawn and leaf bags
- Tie branches and limbs in bundles (branches and limbs must not exceed three inches in diameter or three feet in length)
- Bag or bundle other materials
- Do not place yard materials in trash containers
- Do not place yard materials in the street (it is a violation of County Code to do so)
apply for Americans with disabilities act (ADA) curbside collection
To request an application for ADA curbside collection, please:
- Call the Bureau of Solid Waste Management Customer Service line at 410-887-2000.
- Provide your name, address and phone number.
- Complete forms that you will receive from an ADA Coordinator and return for review of your application.
Listed below are some common reasons why your trash, recycling or yard material may not have been collected. If your set-out follows County regulations and the reasons below for non-collection have been ruled out, please leave your materials out and contact the Bureau of Solid Waste Management for assistance. The Bureau can be reached by submitting an online complaint form or by calling 410-887-2000.
To ensure collection of trash, recycling, and yard materials, residents must follow Baltimore County's set-out rules and regulations. Common reasons for non-collection include:
Trash, recycling or yard and other materials will not be collected if they are set out improperly or set out late. Common set-out problems include:
- Trash or recycling container had a lid permanently attached by rope, wire, chain, springs, or by other means
- Recycling container was not clearly designated for recycling use only
- Recycling was placed out in plastic bags (no plastic bags of any kind are accepted)
- Yard materials were placed in a plastic bag or trash can
- Bundled yard materials were too large (branches and limbs must not exceed three inches in diameter or three feet in length)
- Yard materials were mixed with trash
- Materials were set out on the wrong day
- Materials were not placed out the night before scheduled collection (late set-out)
In bad weather, collection may not occur at the "usual" time or even on the scheduled day. In cases of inclement weather, check for collection status updates. You may also call the Bureau's customer service line at 410-887-2000.
Some items—including mattresses, furniture and appliances—are too large to be accepted for regular "curbside" collection in Baltimore County. These are known as bulk items. Baltimore County offers a separate residential collection program for bulk items.
Alley parking can be dangerous if there is not enough space for emergency vehicles to pass through. The Baltimore County Code, Article 18, Title two, Subtitle 202 (Obstruction of Streets and Alleys) states that "(b) A person may not park, stop, or leave unattended a vehicle in any alley leaving less than 12 feet of clearance parallel to the vehicle."
In addition, vehicles blocking alleys can prevent access for trash and recycling collection trucks, which may lead to:
- delay in material being collected
- scattering of materials
- rodent problems
Vehicles that block alleys are subject to ticketing and towing. To report a blocked alley, call the Police Department at 410-887-2222.
Check the holiday schedule to see if trash and recycling collections are operating. Residents are reminded that each of the six collection holidays throughout the year now follow a "slide" make-up schedule.
Christmas trees
Baltimore County collects Christmas trees for recycling over a two-week period in January. Residents must place trees out by the end of the first week to ensure collection. Pickup dates vary by location and are not scheduled in advance. Christmas trees will not necessarily be collected on your scheduled trash or recycling day—please leave trees out until collection occurs.
Residents should place trees out for pick-up at the same location where they would normally place trash and recycling for collection.
In addition, residents should do the following when placing Christmas trees out to be recycled:
- Only set out live (not artificial) trees.
- Set out the tree only (no lights, decorations, tinsel, bags, tree stands, etc.).
Baltimore County collectors will pick up Christmas trees in standard trash and recycling trucks, and deliver them to County facilities to be chipped and later used as mulch. Baltimore County residents who live in an apartment or condominium should follow their property manager’s rules when recycling their Christmas trees.
Residents who wish to drop off Christmas trees (no lights, decorations, tinsel, bags, tree stands, etc.) themselves may go to any one of the County’s three drop-off locations.